Transfercar Vehicle Guides: The Hatchback

hatchback blog post 4We get travelers asking us the differences between vehicles all the time, so we’re here to save you a headache with our vehicle guides! These will inform you about the types of vehicles you could be driving with us and which one might best suit your needs. This week we’re covering Hatchbacks – the space heavy mini cars.

hatchback blog postWhat is a hatchback?

Hatchbacks are a type of car body that’s all about maximising space. They have a large rear window and door which opens up into a cargo area. Cargo space can be extended by dropping the two back seats in almost all Hatchbacks as well. This does sometimes mean a Hatchback comes with 3 doors (one on either side and the back door or “boot”) despite having 5 seats, but can come with five doors (two instead of one on either side) making most Hatchbacks full sized cars.

How Hatchbacks drive differently from other vehicles

Hatchbacks are smaller and flatter than most cars at both ends. While driving, you’ll be able to:

  • fit into small gaps for more parking options
  • use the rear window for a better view out the back of your car, making reversing a far simpler process
  • fit more cargo in the back of your car, especially if you put the back seats down

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How to get the most out of your driving experience with a hatchback

The most versatile feature to take advantage of in a Hatchback is the ability to lower the back two seats. Hatchbacks almost always come with this feature providing you with more space for luggage or even to use as a bedding area in an emergency.

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Search for a relocation with a Hatchback and see what they’re all about! |


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