Attention money-starved travellers! Have you heard of Transfercar yet, the successful Australasian car relocation company?! No?! Well, listen up because here are the deets. Transfercar has officially launched in the US this August to the delight of poor travellers from Texas to Cali. Transfercar provides an online service that facilitates contact between rental car companies that need to relocate their cars and YOU, the cash-strapped travellers eager to drive these free rental cars all over the place. The system is super simple: Rental operators list their relocation cars on the Transfercar website where registered drivers (that’s you, remember?!) view and request these cars. How can free rental cars be so easy?! If you are looking for places to travel visit This innovative business model offers a real win-win scenario where lucky drivers get a free car to help them with travel expenses and rental car companies save on steep relocation costs. A lot of the free rental cars come with various perks depending on the car. Transfercar can set you up with free insurance, free ferry rides and free gas! It’s like Christmas! And the variety of cars you can choose from seems infinite. If you’re looking for a campervan for the entire family or a basic Sedan for just you and a mate, Transfercar has the ideal vehicle you’re looking for.
Regular rental cars can be really expensive, especially if you’re travelling at short notice. With Transfercar you save the money you’d normally spend on pricey rentals, leaving you more moolah for travel essentials like eating at diners and high rolling it at the Casino or if your like most people these days, you play on sites like on your mobile phone! Our campervans can save you considerable money on accommodation, too. It seems too good to be true, but there is absolutely no catch here. Registration is free. The rental car is free. But your undying appreciation for being able to travel for less money is rather priceless, don’t you think?
Transfercar is leading the way in this brave new world that’s embracing a sharing community. We share our free rental cars with you, and at the same time we’re helping rental car companies. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it? So, what are you waiting for? These free rental cars open you up to a world of possibilities: wherever you want to go, Transfercar can take you there. You’re welcome!
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