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Category Archives: Travel Law

Travelling Safely in New Zealand in Times of Covid-19

As the global COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, countries are doing their best to keep their people safe. Although travelling is quite difficult right now and many regions are off limits, exploring your own country and enjoying its beauties is still possible, provided you take all the necessary precautions. New Zealand is still at Alert Level 1, which means there are a lot of regulations everyone must abide by in order to protect themselves and others from the virus and its spreading. The rules are as...Read More

Looking for a free car or rental to drive overseas? Here’s what you need to know

Finding free cars to drive overseas is relatively easy. You can visit any one of the hundreds of rental companies offering a relocation, drive away or stand by car. You can also check out one of the online relocation companies such as Transfercar who list free rentals on their website for multiple organisations. However, just because it’s a free or incredibly cheap vehicle, this does not mean it is not bound by the regular rental terms and conditions. For this reason it is important to know what to look...Read More

Driving in Queensland with a foreign licence

Information retrieved directly from the Queensland Govt Website What is a foreign driver licence? A foreign driver licence is a licence to drive a motor vehicle issued to you under the law of another country. Note: A New Zealand driver licence is also a foreign driver licence. Can I drive in Queensland under my valid foreign driver licence? When driving on a road in Queensland under your valid foreign driver licence you must: only drive the class of motor vehicle authorised on that licence comply with the...Read More

Driver’s licence translated within a couple of hours online!

Due to stricter rules being imposed by transport agencies and police, foreign drivers licenses must be translated into English, otherwise rental car companies cannot release your Transfercar relocation vehicle to you (because it gets impounded and fines given). I have been sent this link from one of our trusted rental companies THL, who passed on a quick and efficient way of getting official certified translations and wanted to share this info with you guys: Scan both sides of your license and email it to:...Read More