New website promises Epic Thrills for adventure travelers

Posted by Kraig Becker on Jul 20th 2011 at 8:00AM

Travelers looking for great deals on their next journey have a new tool at their disposal today, as a website has just launched that promises to be the Jetsetter of adventure travel. The new site, fittingly called Epic Thrills, will offer members substantial discounts on adventure travel opportunities from some of the top companies in the world.

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Volcanic ash disrupts NZ flights

New Zealand flights look like they could be disrupted for days as ash from the Chilean volcanic eruption drifts across the country.

The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano in Chile began erupting on June 4, with the ash plume drifting thousands of kilometres across the South Atlantic, South Africa, Indian Ocean, Tasmania and now across New Zealand.

More than 60 New Zealand flights have been cancelled and over 7000 passengers have been stranded at Airports over the weekend.

Air New Zealand will continue to fly but at lower altitudes however Jetstar and Quantas have both cancelled a number of flights as the ash cloud drifts closer.

If you are one of the unlucky travellers stuck at an airport right now, visit Transfercar or give us a call as we may be able to find you a free car or campervan to drive!

The top 10 things to take travelling

Jerome Luepkes is a Berlin-based business consultant and travel writer.

For most people, travel is about seeing new places, experiencing new things and meeting new people. Apart from the fact that travel can take time and cost money, there is also a small matter of what to take with you when you set out on your next expedition.

I believe that travellers can improve their overall experience by simply learning what to do without, and only taking those things which are essential for a safe and healthy trip.

Here’s a list of the top 10 things to take on the road:

Check out the full article by Jerome Luepkes on Couchsurfers

If you are looking for a cheap ride check out or!

Survey shows that Australians look for travel bargains over locations

It’s not surprising that Australian travellers look for good deals before deciding on the location they want to travel to. When you live in a country as beautiful as OZ, who cares where you go as long as it’s cheap!

A study, conducted by Internet travel company Travelzoo found that 56 per cent of Australian travellers book their holidays based purely on the best available travel deals, and not on locations.

71 percent of those surveyed also claimed that they look for package deals rather than one off bargains as you can get more for your money and travel further afield. Also, out of the 1,786 Travelzoo subscribers surveyed, 55% stated that they would happily book a vacation solely based on the fact that it was too good to miss.

This being the case, it would seem perfectly reasonable for all Australian travellers to check out Transfercar’s relocation cars and campervans, and base their travel destinations on what vehicles are available and where they are going!

Like I said…it’s Australia…who cares where you end up, it’s all pretty spectacular anyway!

Don’t cancel trips to Christchurch: officials

Tourism officials in Christchurch have urged travellers to not let last week’s earthquake deter visits to the area.

In a statement Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism chief executive Tim Hunter reassured travellers that the damage from the quake last week did not affect buildings or operations in the city’s eastern suburbs.

Read the full article at Travel Blacboard

Welcome to Transfercar Michael and the crew at Turnbull’s Hire Drive!!

Turnbull’s Hire Drive has partnered up with Transfercar, choosing to utilise our website to relocate their fleet of quality Toyota, Hino and Kia vehicles around Australia.

Grown from its humble beginning as an offshoot of Turnbull Toyota, Turnbull’s Hire Drive now have more than 100 vehicles available for hire specialising in all commercial vehicles ranging from 8, 12 and 21 seated Mini Busses, 4WDs and 2WD Hilux’s, Trucks, Tray Trucks and Vans.

Turnbull’s addition to the Transfercar relocation service is a welcomed event especially for all of our travellers as they have three depots in Gippsland, and service both the Melbourne Tullamarine and Avalon airports.

From furniture moving trucks to 4WDs, this company has some great vehicles which means more fun for the Transfercar community.

Who’s up for an Outback Adventure!

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